No Roses on a Sailor's Grave Announcement


Alex has been announced as the composer for upcoming documentary No Roses on a Sailor's Grave. The film follows the story of a young, 20th-Century conflict archeologist's promise to a 94 year old veteran to find the lost ship that he was stationed on when it was sunk, just a few days after his involvement in D-Day. All but 10 members of the crew perished that day and Patrick is now the only remaining survivor. John intends to honour Patrick and his fallen crew mates by finding his ship, building a memorial and telling his story on film. 


Veteran Patrick Thomas with archeologist and historian John Henry Phillips


The documentary will be directed and produced by Daniel Oron and written and produced by Natasha Ryan, both of Go Button Media. It is currently filming and will be released in 2018. 

For more information about this incredible project and to help to contribute in it's telling, here is the Indiegogo page. 


New Album Fate to White II released


Crooked Billet wins Special Prize at 3D KIFF 2017